About us


Ikerbasque is responsible for building and sustaining the public trust through the transparency of our processes and the accountability of our organization.

We are committed to being sound stewards of public investments while responding to rapid changes in science and society. Ikerbasque regularly examines our processes and procedures, reaffirming a core principle of continuous improvement. This website shows the main information concerning our strategy, finances, corporate governance and procurement. 

Strategic information

Ikerbasque is the organisation promoted by the Basque Government to strengthen science in the Basque Country through programmes to attract and recruit researchers and to dynamise research, in cooperation with research centres and universities, while remaining committed to excellence. Our activities are guided by four-year Strategic Plans. Our current Strategic Plan sets the following strategic goals:

  1. Attract international and local scientific talent
  2. Develop and retain scientific talent
  3. Develop scientific capacities and infrastructures in Euskadi through strategic projects and programs
  4. Strengthen the BERC and CIC centers of research excellence
  5. Promote Science in Society
  6. Foster innovation and knowledge transfer

2025-2028 Strategic Plan

You can also check our previous Strategic Plans: 2021-2024 | 2018-2020 | 2014-20172010-2013 | 2007-2009 

Every year, Ikerbasque evaluates its performance and publishes a report containing its main results.

2023 Report

You may check our Annual Reports: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 20162015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011

PCTI 2030

Ikerbasque's strategy and activity are aligned with the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Plan for 2030 (PCTI 2030).

The talent of the people who research and innovate, one of Ikerbasque's hallmarks, is the central element defined in the PCTI 2030 on which the three pillars for the deployment of the plan pivot. Furthermore, Ikerbasque is an active part of the development of Pillar I of Scientific Excellence, aimed at improving the scientific base and the generation of knowledge as a result of excellence in research activity, as well as increasing the technical and scientific capacities and competencies in the Basque Country.

The three pillars of the PCTI 2030 and its central element are articulated through four operational objectives. Among these operational objectives, Ikerbasque can play a relevant role in the first one, maximizing the results of the Basque Scientific System; the third, supporting the internationalization of the Basque R&D&I system by attracting foreign talent and raising funds; and the fourth, promoting the research talent, especially among women.

PCTI 2030

Equality Plan for Women and Men

The Board of Ikerbasque approved in 2018 the Equality Plan for Women and Men, which is currently being implemented. If you want to check the Plan (in spanish):

2022-2024 Equality Plan for Women and Men (in spanish)

To view the previous Equality Plans: 2019-2021

In 2023, Ikerbasque signed the following Decalogue which highlights 10 basic principles to advance in equality between women and men in our organization.

Regulation and Governance

Ikerbasque was established in 2007 as a Foundation and operates under Spanish and Basque legislation, and specifically the 9/2016 Act of Foundations of the Basque Country.

You can download the Foundation's Statutes, which have been updated in 2020.

Ikerbasque's Governing Board is the top managing committee of the Institution. Please visit the following link if you wish to know our Board Members:

Ikerbasque Governing Board

Financial statements

Download our Ikerbasque 2023 Financial Statements

You can also check our previous Financial Statements: 2022 |2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 20152014 | 2013 | 2012 

These Financial statements include relevant information about:

Our financial statements are audited every year. You can check Auditor's Reports: 2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 201820172016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Our 2025 budget is also available.


Ikerbasque follows the national and regional laws concerning public procurement and has complementarily set a public Procurement Policy to ensure accountable procurement processes. You can also visit our Contractor Profile in you wish further information about present and past contracts.

For further information about Ikerbasque contracts with our suppliers, including minor contracts and the budgeted volume percentage for each awarding process: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017

Channel for complaints

This channel provides the opportunity to submit queries and complaints completely anonymously or confidentially. The channel can be used to notify or clarify any aspect that may violate our ethical codes or constitute a violation of European Union Law. All notifications must be made in good faith.

Access the complaints channel

More information

Ikerbasque, as non profit foundation, wants to provide open and accessible information and data on our activities and operations. If you need any additional information, please contact us at ikerbasque@ikerbasque.net