The North American Association of Alzheimer finances a study in Leioa
06/06/2019Dr. Jimena Baleriola Gómez de Pablos, Ikerbasque researcher at the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience (Achucarro) in Leioa, has obtained one of the annual grants that the American Alzheimer's Association, the main institution that supports people affected by this disease...
Memory engrams discovered in the hypothalamus
05/29/2019The brain is the most complex biological material and it evolved over hundreds of millions of years, from simple neural networks, performing simple learned behaviors, such as avoiding dangerous situations to improve the rate of survival. The essential role for memories is...
Next H2020 infoday: ERC 2019
El próximo 5 de junio, miércoles, el Gobierno Vasco, UPV/EHU e Ikerbasque organizamos una Jornada sobre el programa de financiación a la investigación de excelencia del European Research Council (ERC) para el año 2020.
The Basque Government, the...
Infoday H2020: MSCA-IF 2019
05/13/2019On May 13th, an infoday organized by the Basque Government, UPV / EHU and Ikerbasque was held about the "MSCA - Individual Fellowship” programme, which included a workshop to prepare proposals with the National Contact Point (NCP).
...Ikerbasque recognizes and makes visible the work of women researchers
05/07/2019Maribel Arriortua, Aitziber López Cortajarena and Maia García Vergniory received a recognition for their research careers, with the aim of making women researchers in the Basque Country visible so they can serve as examples and inspiration for new generations.