The Basque Government together with the UPV/EHU and Ikerbasque organized a webinar on the ERC financing program on July 9th at 12:00.
The European Research Council (ERC) supports projects that seek to develop new and high-risk research at the frontiers of knowledge. Scientific excellence is the sole criterion for awarding grants and works on a bottom-up basis, with no predetermined priorities. The webinar is aimed at researchers and managers of the Basque science system.
In the session they participated:
• Amaia Esquisabel. Research Director of the Basque Government
• Estefania Muñoz. ERC National Contact Point - FECYT
• Laura Mohedano. ERC National Contact Point - ISCIII
• Angel Rubio. ERC Evaluator and 2 ERC Advanced Grant beneficiary. Max Planck-UPV/EHU-Simons Foundation
• Ion Errea. ERC Starting Grant beneficiary - UPV/EHU
At the end of the session the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers was offered.
If you want to check the information provided in the webinar:
Finally, we remember that we have the Ikerbasque ERC Fast Track call for all those researchers who have received an ERC. More information in our calls section.