On June 1, an infoday organized by the Basque Government, UPV/EHU and Ikerbasque was held on the "MSCA - Postdoctoral Fellowships" funding program.
This program aims to support the professional development and training of researchers from all scientific disciplines by carrying out research projects in Europe.
In the event, they participated:
- María Herrero Díez (MSCA National Contact Point - CSIC)
- Iker Aguirrezabal (MSCA-IF evaluator, UPV/EHU)
- Ada Bier (MSCA-IF researcher at the UPV/EHU)
- Izaskun Ibarbia (Support technician for the MSCA at the UPV/EHU)
If you want to download the Infoday presentation:
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