The International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL) located in Oñati, Spain, is issuing a call through the Research Committee for the Sociology of Law (RCSL) of the International Sociological Association for expressions of interest for the position of Scientific Director. The term of the Scientific Director (SD) at the IISL is typically two years, extensible to two more. Outstanding scholars around the world working in the field of law and society are invited to submit an expression of interest in the position of Scientific Director of the IISL for the September 2025 - July 2027 term, being this two years term renewable one time.
The IISL is a leading institution for the sociology of law, with an international reputation ( ). IISL welcomes students and faculty from around the world for the International Master in Sociology of Law and has created a worldwide network of socio-legal scholars and researchers through international workshops, conferences, and summer courses each year, as well as individual visitors. The IISL hosts one of the leading libraries for sociology of law. It offers grants to support visitors and publishes highly regarded book series and journals. It contributes decisively to the reputation of the Basque Country with respect to academic research and professional training. It plays an essential role in the life of the RCSL ( ).
The Scientific Director will become a fellow of the Ikerbasque Foundation for Scientific Research in the Basque Country and a distinguished professor at the University of the Basque Country during the term. The successful candidate is expected to meet the qualifications for excellence of the Ikerbasque Foundation. The criteria for appointment include outstanding scientific merit and research track-record, research experience, publications and scholarly excellence in line with Basque research capabilities ( see ). The Foundation's regulations apply to the salary. The Scientific Director shall be a member of the RCSL.
The SD will be provided with an office at the Institute and will receive the support of all the staff. Family accommodation will be provided in the Antia College Residence in Oñati at a moderate cost.
If you are interested in the position of Scientific Director, please email an expression of interest addressing the criteria, a research statement, and your curriculum vitae by no later than 30st of April 2025. Send these to Professor Masayuki Murayama, Meiji University < >, the chair of the independent Nominating Committee appointed by RCSL President Pierre Guibentif in consultation with the RCSL board. The other members of the Committee are Professor Letizia Mancini, Università degli Studi di Milano, and Professor Gema Varona, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. The application can include letters of support by colleagues in sociology of law, preferably RCSL members.
The Nominating Committee will review all applications, in order to determine if they meet the requirements of the Ikerbasque Foundation. It will submit a short list to the RCSL President who will forward the names of two candidates to the Ikerbasque Foundation for consideration. The final candidate will be selected by the IISL Governing Board. Gender balance will be taken into account in case proposed candidates meet ex aequo evaluation.
In case the proposed candidate does not finally accept the post, the Governing Board will propose the next candidate of the list.
You may find a detailed description of the role of the SD in organising and promoting the academic work of IISL and a profile of the SD on the RCSL website at For further information on the procedure, please contact Masayuki Murayama < > or Pierre Guibentif <>. If you have questions about the Basque scientific environment, please contact Gema Varona < >. For details of the administrative status of the SD, please contact the IISL Administrative Director Maite Elorza <>.