On April 8th, the Basque Government together with the UPV/EHU and Ikerbasque organized a webinar on the EIC Pathfinder & EIC Transition program in Horizon Europe.
The EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition programs are integrated into Pillar III of Innovative Europe within the EIC (European Innovation Council). The EIC Pathfinder call funds advanced research in order to develop the scientific base to support cutting-edge technologies, while the EIC Transition call supports the validation of these technologies and the development of business plans focused on specific applications.
During the conference we focused on the opportunities offered by these programs and practical advice was offered for the preparation of proposals.
This informative session was aimed mainly at managers and researchers/research groups from universities, research centers, technology centers and companies.
If you want to download the Infoday presentation:
EIC Pathfinder & EIC Transition 2022 news
To view the recording of the event:
For more information about the EIC Pathfinder & EIC Transition programs: https://eic.ec.europa.eu/eic-funding-opportunities/eic-pathfinder_en