Ikerbasque - the Basque Foundation for Science, launched in 2022 a call offering 20 Research Fellow positions for postdoctoral researchers. These five year Fellowships are directed to promising young researchers; they are intended to offer a track towards a PI role and independent research. The selected Fellows should be able to acquire the necessary skills for a research leader role in the future.
In this occasion, more than 170 independent external evaluators from 25 different countries participated in the evaluation process, under the coordination of the Ikerbasque Scientific Advisory Committee.
Ikerbasque endorses the European Charter for Researchers. Ikerbasque improves the career evaluation methods in order to create a more transparent, open, equal and internationally accepted system of recruitment.
118 full eligible applications were screened by our external evaluators, coordinated by the Ikerbasque Scientific Advisory Committee. The evaluation committee has short-listed 20 applications (17%) with over 85 points out of the possible 100 points, based on:
- Scientific merit and research track
- Interest of the Research Statement provided in the application
- Relevance of research topic and latest publications
- Concordance with Basque research capabilities
To check the list of the selected Research Fellows 2022:
View the list of the Research Fellows 2022 selected candidates