Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, organized a webinar in which a dialogue was held on the interconnection between science and literature and the claims of objectivity and subjectivity that both deal with.
The event was moderated by the Scientific Director of Ikerbasque Fernando Cossío, and had the participation of:
- Candelas Gala has a long teaching career having held the Charles E. Taylor Chair in Romance Languages and Literatures at Wake Forest University, North Carolina (USA). She is the author of several books and essays on Federico García Lorca, as well as numerous works on poetry written by women in Spain. His most recent research deals with the transdisciplinarity between poetry, physics and painting, about creative cognition and eco-criticism. Among her most recent books, Clara Janés stands out, Quantum poetics or the physics of poetry (CSIC, 2021), Ecopoéticas, voices of the land in eight poets of current Spain (University of Salamanca, 2020), Creative Cognition and the Cultural Panorama of Twentieth Century Spain (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) and Poetry, Physics and Painting in Twentieth Century Spain (Palgrave Macmillan 2011) .
- Juan José Gómez Cadenas is an Ikerbasque Researcher and leads the DIPC neutrino group as well as the international NEXT project, which is carrying out an experiment to search for double beta decays without neutrinos in the Canfranc underground laboratory. Gómez-Cadenas has worked for the last thirty years on experiments aimed at studying the properties of the neutrino, including NOMAD (CERN) K2K and T2K (Japan), NEXT (Spain), GANESS (ESS, Lund) and Hyper Kamiokande (Japan). He is a co-recipient of the Break Through physics award in 2016 (K2K and T2K collaborations) and has received two ERC grants. One AdG/ERC (2014, NEXT) and one SyG/ERC (2020, BOLD), together with F.P. Cossío (UPV/EHU) and R. Guenette (Harvard/U. Manchester). In addition to his scientific activity, Gómez-Cadenas writes novels, outreach and poetry.
The event was held on April 28 at 16:00 (CET).