Scientific Director of the Thermal energy storage area at CIC energiGUNE.
Research line:
Thermal energy storage related: with the aim to produce new materials of relevance for thermal energy storage applications and to develop new experimental methods for their thermo-physical, mechanical and compatibility characterization. The research line also includes the use of modelling and simulation techniques, and the engineering part to design, to realize and to manage thermal loop facilities.Previous research experience in France at the University of Bordeaux, Centre d’Études et Recherches en Thermique, Énergétique et Systèmes (CERTES) - Université Paris 12 Val de Marne, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) and Spain at Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) and Universidad Politécnica, Madrid. During 2011, she also created with the finantial support of Abengoa a Joint Research Unit. "TESLab: Thermal Energy Laboratory".
PhD. in Physics, 1992, Universidad Complutense, Madrid.